Facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge
The goal of the working groups is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge between the 8 different genetic centers. This is done during meetings (2-6 times a year) where experts of each center are represented and at which several issues related to the working group are discussed.
This might lead to a more uniform use of specific approaches or to guidelines for specific procedures. This can be related to technology, reporting and interpreting diagnostic results, recognition of the profession, similar workflows …
Every working group should have a list with all their members. The list should be published and updated on the BeSHG website. It is preferable that every center is represented in each workgroup however this is not an obligation.
However, the maximum amount of members of one center is 5. Each member will get a login for the website to view the reports of his own working group.
The president of a working group should be (re)elected every 4 years. A president can be candidate every 4 years. Every member of the working group, independent of the center to whom he/she belongs, has one vote.
To be elected, the candidate needs 2/3 of the votes. If this is not the case, there is a second voting with the two candidates who obtained most votes.
We have a number of working groups, each with their own members and goals.
Workgroup on Constitutional (Molecular) Cytogenomics
Workgroup on Molecular Genetics