Permanent Education Course in Human Genetics

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Continuing Education with University Certificate in Human Genetics



Human genetics is a relatively young medical discipline which originated in the sixties with the demonstration of chromosomal anomalies in constitutional and acquired disorders. The discipline experienced a rapid growth with the development of DNA analytical methods which enabled the identification of several genetic, mainly monogenic, disorders. At present, human genetics experiences another growth spurt due to the development of genome-wide analysis tools, high-capacity mutation detection methods leading towards complete human genome sequencing. This evolution leads to an ever-increasing relevance within all medical disciplines. The current technologies not only enable to identify inherited Mendelian disorders, but also increase our understanding of complex diseases. Human genetics not only enables diagnosis, but is leading more and more to improved guidance and treatment.

From this ever-increasing importance and complexity, the Belgian Society of Human Genetics identified the need for a course which provides a theoretical basis for human genetics at a postdoctoral level. The members of the society represent the eight Belgian human genetics centers as well as scientists and professionals involved in human genetics.

The postgraduate course in human genetics intends to fulfill the need of a growing number of professions in which a full theoretical basis of all aspects of human genetics is useful or required. In the industry, health care, diagnostics as well as in certain areas of research, such knowledge is needed. Within the Belgian genetics centers, the course will provide a uniform and adequate theoretical basis for all those taking up responsibilities in human genetics-related activities.


This permanent education in human genetics aims to

Cover all aspects of human genetics

Clinical genetics

Molecular genetics


Biochemical genetics

Bring an up-to-date program embedded within the current practices

Deliver a certificate acknowledging a robust knowledge basis in human genetics


Target students


The course is aimed at

  • Everyone taking up a responsible function in a genetic center
  • Professionals in industry involved in or with human genetics
  • Pharmaceutical industry involved in human genetics
  • Postdocs/PhD students with interest in human genetics
  • MDs involved in human genetics



Participants hold

A masters/licentiaats/license degree, or MD degree

Some knowledge of molecular biology



The course outline is based on the book Genetics and Genomics in Medicine (Thompson & Thompson, Ninth edition). The course chapters will be tought by representatives of the 8 human genetic centers in Belgium, localized at or associated with 8 different universities. The courses will take place on a specified Friday of each month. A final examination will take place on a 9th Friday. Each center for human genetics is responsible for the organization of the course and the exam at its university.

Evaluation and certificate


To obtain the certificate in human genetics the candidate will take an examination at the end of the course program. This written test will cover the different topics presented during the course. It will consist of 30-60 questions with multiple choices, no negative mark, but a correction for random errors (correct for 4/20 if randomly answering the 5 proposals of each question). Students obtaining 10/20 or more will pass. The jury is composed of the Program Organizing Committee (POC) which includes eight members, representing each Belgian Center of Human Genetics. The certificate will be approved by the BeSHG and will be delivered by the University at which the student registered.

Credit points (ECTS)


The course entails 60 contact hours + exercises in human genetics. The total course sums up to 10 ECTS (credit points)




The registration cost of the course is for BeSHG members 400€ (200€ to university of registration and 200€ to BeSHG account) and for non-BeSHG members 460€ (200€ to university of registration; 60€ BeSHG membership and 200€ to BeSHG account). Registrations are open in each university,(for UGent and VUB registrations go via UA) from 11/09/2023 to 09/10/2023.

How to register?

  • Ask approval in your current center:

ULB :, 02 555 6430

VUB :, 02 474 99 29

ULg :, 04-366 8145


UCL :, 02-764 7490

IPG : 071 447 118

UA :, 03-2759774

UGent :, +32 93323634

  • Register at your university (for this course) via student administration (not for UAntwerp, UGent and VUB) and pay the intuition fee to the university. (For students from UGent and VUB registration will be via UA)
  • Register via BeSHG registration form:


  • Pay registration fee to BeSHG (or ask center to add you to the bulk payment, if your center works with a bulk payment)

Registration Contact:

For more information:

ULB :, 02 555 6430

VUB :, 02 474 99 29

ULg :, 04-366 8145


UCL :, 02-764 7490

IPG : 071 447 118

UA :, 03-2759774

UGent :, +32 93323634

For practical reasons we can only accept 50 students. Registration will be effective when BeSHG registration form is submitted. Payment has to be received within a month after receiving the BeSHG invoice (usually comes in October).