25 year anniversary

March 13-14 2025 Aula Magna - Louvain-La-Neuve

Dear all,

In 2025 the BeSHG will celebrate its 25th anniversary and a very special conference is planned.

The theme of the meeting is “Under Pressure, the shaping of our genome”, referring to the effects of positive and negative selective pressure in genetics: that of organisms over evolution and that of single cells in their micro-environments. We have a confirmed list of international keynote speakers who will address the audience on a variety of subjects related to that theme.

The conference will take place at Aula Magna, Louvain-La-Neuve and two days are planned for this special anniversary meeting:

  • Day 1, Thursday March 13, will be a Genetics Retreat day for PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and clinical trainees in genetics, during which they will present their work in front of two prominent mentors, Professor Michel Georges and Professor Han Brunner. At the end of that day, the best 3 presentations will be selected, to be presented again to the general audience on day 2. The BeSHG is offering student accommodation in Louvain-La-Neuve for the night of March 13, at Gîte Mozaïk, within walking distance of the conference venue, to allow students to stay for the following conference day.
  • Day 2, Friday March 14, will be the official BeSHG meeting, comprising plenary scientific sessions, poster presentations, exhibitor’s booths and a round table discussion with a panel of personalities from various backgrounds.

Deadline registration: Friday 28th of February 2025 

For meeting registration, go to 'My BeSHG': https://www.beshg.be/my-beshg 

To register, please create an account on the BeSHG website. This account is free, and will not make you a member of the BeSHG!.

The registration page can be found directly via: 'https://beshg.be/my-beshg/meeting-subscription'


Damien Lederer, President of the BeSHG

Laila Zahed, BeSHG board member and local organizer


Attention All Students, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Trainees in Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counsellors!!!

As you know, the 2025 annual BeSHG conference is taking place at Louvain-La-Neuve on March 13 and 14, with a special genetics students’ retreat on the first day, in the presence of two prominent mentors, Professor Han Brunner and Professor Michel George.

The BeSHG is happy to offer you FREE accommodation at Gite Mozaik in Louvain-La-Neuve on March 13, including breakfast the following day. All you need to do is select the free accommodation when you register for the conference on the BeSHG website and BRING A TOWEL AND SOAP, as these are not provided!

There are 100 beds ONLY so register ASAP

Here is a link to the gite https://www.gite-mozaik.be/en/ and here you can find more practical information LINK. It is 8 minutes walking distance from the conference venue Aula Magna.

Save travel time and expenses, enjoy quality time with your friends and colleagues and be ready for the annual conference the following day by staying overnight in Louvain-La-Neuve on March 13!

PLEASE SELECT A ROOM / ROOMMATES VIA THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16rCBmsiZGYBDa_BXI9SQd8PccexnryBZCmruBSqKRg0/edit?gid=0#gid=0

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