DAY 7: ULg 26.04.2024

Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenetics (Vincent Bours)

- metabolic enzymes and polymorphisms.

- Polymorphisms and drug transporters and targets.

- Genetic conditions generating unexpected side effects.

- Ethnic differences and clinical consequences.

Clinical aspects of dysmorphology (Saskia Bulk).

The immune system 

Immune genetics (Stéphanie Humblet (KULeuven), Sabine Franke )

The HLA complex .

inherited immune defects.

Gene therapy in relation with immune defect.

acquired alterations of IGH and TCR loci in lymphoproliferative disorders.

Here is the program for the day:

09h-9h15: Welcome

9h15-10h15: S. HUMBLET: "Immune Genetics" (Slides)


10h15-10:30: Coffee break


10h30-11h30: V. BOURS: "Pharmacogenetics" (Slides) (Paper)

11h30-12h: S. BULK: "Clinical aspects of dysmorphology" (Slides)


12h-13h: Lunch


13h-14h00: S. BULK: "Clinical aspects of dysmorphology"

14h00-15h00: S. FRANKE: "Acquired alterations of IGH and TCR in lymphoproliferative disorders." (Slides)

It will take place in the auditorium Stainier, B36 CHU · Tour 4 : Pharmacie et Décanat de Médecine (