Programme MaNaMa Day 4

Endocrinologie and Genetics

12/12/2023 Jette

At VUB campus Jette, Laerbeeklaan 103, 1090 Jette

Room: Agora, that’s building R

It should be noted that this year we will only provide drinks (coffee/tea, water (still and sparkling) during the breaks. Sandwiches will no longer be provided.

8h55 : 

brief introduction Catheline Vilain.


“Disorders of the pituitary”. 

Cécile Brachet ULB-Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Rein Fabiola - Endocrinologie pédiatrique

How to recognize a disorder of the pituitary? What will the child have to go through: What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? What is the impact in his.her everyday life? How is he.she taken care of? Where does the genetic work-up stands, and how does it help taking care of the patient?


“Disorders of glucose homeostasis”. 

Philippe LYSY UCL – Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc - Endocrinologie pédiatrique - diabétologie

How to recognize a disorder of glucose homeostasis? What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? What is its genetic basis, and when do we have to prescribe a genetic work-up, and how does it help taking care of the patient?

How is he.she taken care of nowadays? 


Coffee break


 “Disorders of the Phospho-Calcic metabolism”. 

Erika Boros ULB-Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Rein Fabiola – Endocrinologie pédiatrique 

How to recognize a disorder of the Phospho-Calcic metabolism (rickets, Albright osteodystrophy, pseudohypoPTH)? What will the child have to go through? What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? What is the impact in his.her everyday life? How is he.she taken care of? Where does the genetic work-up stands, and how does it help taking care of the patient?


 “Disorders of the thyroid”. 

Erika Boros ULB-Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Rein Fabiola – Endocrinologie pédiatrique

What happens when a child has an increased TSH on neonatal screening? How to recognize hypothyroidism which escaped neonatal screening? What are the other disorders of thyroid metabolism to be aware off? What will the child have to go through: What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? What is the impact in his.her everyday life? How is he.she taken care of? Where does the genetic work-up stands, and how does it help taking care of the patient?

Lunch Break


“Disorders of the adrenals”.

Martine Cools UZ Gent - Endocrinologie & Diabetologie voor kinderen en adolescenten

How to recognize a disorder of the adrenals metabolism? How not missing diagnosis such as triple A syndrome? What will the child have to go through? What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? What is the impact in his.her everyday life? How is he.she taken care of? Where does the genetic work-up stands, and how does it help taking care of the patient?


 Short an tall stature 

Jean De Schepper UZBrussels – Endocronologie and diabetologie


Overweight and underweight

Jean De Schepper Brussels UZBrussels – Endocronologie and diabetologie

When is a child to small, to tall, to thin, overweight? When is a clinical work up requested? What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? Where does the genetic work-up stands, and how does it help taking care of the patient?


“Disorders of Puberty”. 

Anne Simone Parent – ULg – CHU Liège – Endocrinologie pédiatrique.

When is late/precocious puberty? When is a clinical work up requested? What is the clinical work-up and diagnostic algorithms? What is the impact of the condition on his.her everyday life? How is he.she taken care of? Where does the genetic work-up stands, and how does it help taking care of the patient?