Programme MaNaMa Day 1

Genetics in Belgium - recurrent day


Coordinator: Marije Meuwissen

Teachers: Marije Meuwissen, Saskia Bulk, Lynne Rumping

Location: UZ Brussel, Auditorium Kiekens, route 1001


13.00-14.30: Introduction of the 8 genetic centers by one trainee of each center. Who is who in the clinic? What are your clinic/lab specialties?

14.30-15.00: Break

15.00-15.45: Training requirements and useful tools in genetics- Sophie Uyttebroeck and Claire Fouquet

15.45-17.30: Reimbursement of consultations in genetics + an introduction to Portfolio – Kathelijn Keymolen

18.00-….: Optional diner in Jette

Please register for this year’s course via LINK, so we can complete your registration correctly and you will receive all information on time. 

You can also register only for the first day.