Programme MaNaMa Day 1

10/10/23 - UZ Brussels

At VUB campus Jette, Laerbeeklaan 103, 1090 Jette

Room: Forum and for the breaks the Atrium

It should be noted that this year we will only provide drinks (coffee/tea, water (still and sparkling) during the breaks. Sandwiches will no longer be provided.

9.00 – 9.15 Welcome

Saskia Bulk (ULiège) and Marije Meuwisse (UZA)

9.15 – 11.00 Presenting centers and trainees

- Trainees present themselves and their center (staff including assistants, expertise, training, required courses, etc)

- Assistants present their non-genetics rotation (what did these specialties bring to the formation as clinical geneticist and/or PhD topic)

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee

11.30 – 12.00 Yearly speech by presidents of the commission (french and dutch speaking)

Koen Devriendt (KUL) and Vincent Bours (ULiège)

Training and recognition, role of different organs, genetic landscape in Belgium

12.00 – 12.15 European Certificate in Medical Genetics and Genomics (ECMGG)

Laura Polsler and Sophie Uyttebroekck (VUB) (Slides)

Tops and tips on how to prepare for the European exam

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch

13.15 – 13.45 The ELSI committee : ethical and legal aspects of clinical genetics

Jean-Stéphane Gatot (Uliège) (Slides)

13.45 – 13.15 Meat the actors in clinical genetics: 

 The psychologist, the genetic counselor and the laboratory specialist

Julie Nekkebroeck, Ileen Slegers, and Alexander Gheldof (VUB) (Slides)

14.15 – 14.45 Coffee

14.45– 16.00 Yearly discussion of difficult cases (medically or ethically)

This year, we focus on our nightmarish cases with terrible intrafamilial communication (index case does not want to inform their family, index cas was not informed by their family, affected children were born because nobody bothered to tell cousin Lucy that a diagnosis was made…, etc.).

  • Each center presents one case, with a focus on the communication aspect. After presentation of each case, we will discuss alternative ‘solutions’.

16.00 – 17.00 How to inform relatives - an international comparison and suggestions how to apply in Belgium?

Lynne Rumping (UZA) (Slides)

17.00 Wishing everybody a safe trip home

 Saskia Bulk (ULiège) and Marije Meuwisse (UZA